Tuberous Worlds: Vegetal Politics and More-than-Human Relations
Author: Collective Volume
Dates: Under Contract
Venue: Yale University Press
Book Detail
Introduction: Olivia Angé and David Nally
Part I: Producing Tubers
- David Nally: The Political Ecologies of the Potato in Ireland
- Richard Scaglion: The Sweet Potato: Stimulating Agricultural Innovation in the Pacific Islands
- Roy Ellen: Cassava and Colonialism: How a Diasporic Cultigen was Reinvented in the World System
- Karl Zimmerer: Producing Potatoes and Tuberous Kin in the Andes and Beyond: Vegetal Affordances and Biodiversity in the Plantationocene
Part II: Living with Tubers
- Marilyn Strathern: ‘A Question of Life and Death’: Imagining Tropical Tubers
- Mark Mosko: The Sacrifice of the Yams: Yams, Human Procreation, and Chiefly Hierarchy in the Trobriands
- Carlos Fausto: Could Manioc Have Been a Root of the State? An Economy of Grandeur in Amazonia
- Nancy Ries: Potatoes, Politics, and War: Household Potato Growing across Postsocialist Eurasia
Part III: Knowing Tubers
- Olivia Angé: Reclaiming Tuberous Kin. Interspecies Poetry and Potato Cosmopolitics in the Peruvian Center of Domestication
- Lewis Daly: The Living Gift: Cultivating Landscapes of Memory in Indigenous Amazonia
- James Leach: Knowledge, and its Limits, in a Rai Coast Garden
- Gerry Kearns and Karen Til: Tuberous Epistemologies: Persons, Precarities and Potatoes in Art